Monday, May 17, 2010

Bloggity blog blog...

Can someone please tell me what's up with the weather? How does the rain always know when to come strolling back in on a Monday to start the week off crappy? I was suppose to go to the beach today, but nnnnooooo... }=( Oh well, such is nature. Anywho, dragons #3 and #4 are donezo. I honestly was stuck on how to do wind (if you haven't noticed by now, they are elemental dragons) so I decided to change up the color on the yellow one's plates (I don't know dragon anatomy, so don't get all huffy if I got that one wrong) to show the wind wisps.  Other than that, not much more to report for now...

Monday, May 10, 2010

Stuff, stuff, and more stuff to do...

Happy wet and rainy Monday, everybody! (Well, if you live in Northern California, at least.) I've got projects on my mind. So many things to do, so little time. Here's dragon #2...
Numbers 3 and 4 are almost done. And here's the third attempt at working with Sculpey III. I made it for my boyfriend for his birthday. He's a DJ, hence the headphones.
And on a last note, I'm learning how to use a sewing machine. Hooray! It's hopefully going to be a part of my secret project. I'll upload some pics of practice runs once I get something going. That's all for now. Gotta go be productive!

Monday, May 3, 2010


Happy May everyone! Still stressed. I've been doing so much research on my project that it's been stressing me out. Didn't get much done last week due to that. I've finally joined Deviant Art, though. So for those of you who have a DA account, please watch me! Thanks! Here's the link: . I'm really not in the mood to blog, so I'll leave you with this happy little guy. Hopefully he'll make up for my crappy mood.